Thursday, July 26, 2012

Some thoughts on Death

So it's been a while since I've written anything. Well, actually, that's a lie. I did write a post, it was all ready to go, but I scrapped it at the last minute. Anyway, I feel like talking about death for a bit.

So, death. Whatever kind of life you lead, that's where you end up, you die. We all die, at least our physical bodies die. There is no escaping it. Even with all these new findings that help extend life span, do you really want to extend your life? I believe we're all born for a reason, a purpose, a fire burning within us. I don't know what it is for you, but I know you serve a purpose. And when you fulfill your purpose, I believe you die. That is why some people die at a very young age and some live to be very old. I think that those who die young fulfill a purpose that we are often blind to because of grief.

I believe the aging process is a beautiful process. Seriously, have you ever seen a couple who are in their 60s? Often times you can't help but say "Awww" (the same sound I make about baby animals and babies, but that's beside the point).

I know that as a human community, many fear death. But why? I'm curious because so many people seem to have an almost irrational fear of it. Without death, there cannot be life. And life is not eternal so there is a necessity for death.

I do not fear death, I've embraced it long ago. To me, it's as normal as a sunflower or a chicken. I do not believe death is the the end... at least not the eternal death. I think our spirit, our soul lives on. I believe there is a Paradise, as well as a Hell... the afterlife is just the journey to one of those places.

"Love Life, Respect Death."

"The way is shut.It was made by those who are Dead. And the Dead keep it. Until the time Comes. The way is shut."

"Es tan triste llegar a viejo."

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