Monday, October 8, 2012

Immerse Yourself

Hi again!

Man, I've been gone for a long time. I have been a very busy little buzzing bee these past few months, and last week proved that (well, my aching upper back does too.)

Anyway, enough about my crazy life. I wanted to write this blog because I've been reading again. Well, I'm reading fiction again. It's a series called Pendragon, written by the amazing D.J. MacHale... and I'm currently on book 9 of the series!!!! (There's 10 books in total.)

Okay, now you're probably going "Why is a book series so important?... Why even write this blog?" I'll tell you why, because I'm one of those readers that cannot put a book down once I start it. (Need evidence? I read Micheal Crichton's Jurassic Park in one day.... and Gaston Laroux's The Phantom of the Opera in two days.) Also... when I'm reading a series I invest a lot of myself in it: my time, my imagination, my emotions. I did with the Animal Ark series, the Animorphs series, with the Harry Potter series, the Jurassic Park series, and now with the Pendragon series.

I began reading Pendragon about... oh... hm... let's say more than 6 years ago. I picked it up a few years after my brother began reading them (it's actually the first series he picked up before I did, go figure). I re-read books 1 through 7 over the summer and as I read them I realized MacHale does a lot with imagery. However book 7 left me wanting more... wanting answers. So my friend gave me book 8 (The Pilgrims of Rayne) for my birthday and I devoured that book in about 2 or 3 days! I was more confused and felt that my life made no sense anymore, not after finishing that book. Cliffhangers! Ugh! I found book 9 (Raven Rise) this past Saturday for $2 at the public library's book sale and snatched it up. I started it that evening and now I'm about 7/8 done. But I know there will be a lot of action left in that small portion of the book, why? Because that's what MacHale does, he keeps the action going until the very end of the book. Anyway, there's a lot of me invested in this book and I can't wait to finish it and find book 10.

Why that story? Because I believe the best way to read a fiction book is to let it fully envelop you. I know it sounds strange, especially when so many children nowadays think books are boring and do not like to read. Honestly, reading (especially for school age children) is a matter of finding something you like, you'd be surprised at what kids like or don't like to read. Even as an adult, I think it is important to read fiction every once in a while, not only does it let you relax for some time... but it also allows your imagination to expand, and for you to leave the tedious world.

Speaking of immersing yourself in a book, I just remembered I saw a "Banned Books" display at the library, and the reason Harry Potter is banned in many places is because it would blur the lines between fiction and reality in the minds of children. As much as I love the Harry Potter series, the line between fiction and reality in that series is pretty much nill when compared to Pendragon. Go see for yourself, and wait until you get to books 7 and on... then you'll question your view of reality.

"But you don't have to take my word for it."

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